Tagged: "Reopening"

Jul 01 2020

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

As we continue to adapt to life amid the COVID-19 crisis, it’s important to revisit the measures that can help us reduce or prevent the spread of the virus. Indoor air quality is especially timely as many business owners and facility managers are welcoming employees and clients back to the workplace. Since the risk of […]

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Jun 01 2020

Facility Cleaning for a Successful ...

Facility Cleaning for a Successful Reopening and Recovery

As a business owner, property, or facility manager, planning is probably one of your strong suits. But even the most prepared couldn’t have foreseen the unexpected circumstances that forced one in four American businesses to close temporarily during the coronavirus shutdown. Now, with states cautiously restarting their economies, planning for a safe recovery, and reopening that includes […]

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